
Showing posts from March, 2020

to believe

Image to know what you cannot possibly prove to be true, but you feel to be the Truth, as if you on a deck somewhere and see an approaching ship without the ocean anywhere within sight. The world presents phenomena which we seek to understand, but ultimately just accept and leave it at that. A whole city can disappear in weather, and who would be the wiser? sf, ca 3/20

and then, and then...

...through the screen comes an image of a cloud unusually top heavy, as if rain were behind it, not inside it. To capture such a passing moment means you are there with me, just out of reach, or in a nimbus of your own. But since I think of you so often, there is this sense of time passing by me, or me passing time by means of seeing something suspicious in the sky, something not the same ever again. 3/20 sf, ca

Never would we guess

...that this peaceful land we so adore would turn in upon us and present a dilemma unforeseen, unimagined. But here we are , this month, this new year, this reality reversed as a photo becomes its negative, its identity revealed to itself with holes in the middle, with a reverence for the imperfection we thought we did not have. Ahhh, to be somewhere else, where no one can see us. sf, ca 3/20
Down the lane of improbability walks the stranger and her friend; once there is an infinite set of circles in the distance, no one cares to define the space, or make it familiar; so it remains as a stranger, at once enticing and forbidding, like life outside the circles, and the concept of an end inside them. sf, ca March, 2020